Graduate Workers and Faculty Are Taking Action on International Workers’ Day

In 2016, the NLRB ruled that graduate workers were in fact workers and had the right to unionize. Since then more than 25,000 graduate workers fought for and won union elections, including winning recognition at American, Brandeis, Tufts and Loyola Chicago with SEIU.


Despite the clear need for a union among graduate workers, the Trump Labor Board is expected to throw out the recent ruling extending rights to graduate workers — proving how rigged the system is against workers and their families.


But graduate workers aren’t letting unfair rulings and obstacles stop them. They continue to win in ways that capitalize on the power of people, vision and direct action and serve as a beacon for other workers across all industries. Just last week 4,000 graduate workers at Harvard with UAW won their high-profile election and graduate workers at Columbia University (with AFT) went on strike to protest the administration’s refusal to negotiate a fair contract after more than a year. In the face of stiff employer opposition to unionizing, graduate workers at Duke, Washington University, Emory, USC, George Washington, Vanderbilt and Syracuse have organized their unions without formal employer or government recognition. They have used direct action to win change. Just last week, the graduate workers at Washington University won year-round funding. Earlier this year, they won lower out-of-pocket premiums and dental insurance.


In honor of May 1, International Workers’ Day, graduate workers at Syracuse, Loyola Chicago, Brandeis and other universities across the country are taking a stand to demand better working conditions to improve their campuses and communities. Today, graduate workers are taking action to stand up for their rights as workers.


Join us in supporting a nationwide movement of faculty and graduate student workers fighting for better pay and benefits and a voice on campuses across the country, by following today’s action on Facebook and Twitter.


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