Grad Workers in Action
As graduate workers, we understand the challenges of teaching and being a student in the current broken system. We have the power to help reverse the worst trends in higher education. That’s why we’re coming together to form unions, build our collective political power and demand the change we all need.
We’ve formed unions at schools across the country. By organizing and standing up together, we’ve won small victories like free gym access on our campuses to big victories like having Republicans pull the graduate tuition waiver and student loan tax provisions from their bill.
As part of the movement to transform higher education, we’re standing with students and faculty for systemic change. In Massachusetts, we supported legislation that would provide pay parity for adjuncts. In Florida, we’re fighting for adequate funding. Nationally, we support Senator Durbin and Senator Franken’s bill to extend student debt forgiveness to adjuncts, have fought for debt-free college for all and. stood up for our immigrant brothers and sisters on campus.
You can read more about what we’ve won here.

Graduate workers protest provisions of the GOP tax bill targeting students outside the office of Speaker Ryan.